Sunday 7 September 2008

Top Secret Car Secret - What Are You Really Getting Revealed

By now you must have heard about Dr. Suzanne's Gundakunst's latest book entitled "Top Secret Car Secret" or you wouldn't have been looking for more information on it and stumbled upon this article. Dr. Suzanne's Gundakunst is claiming that you can save anywhere from 30% to 90% on any new vehicle you purchase by using her three step secret formula. So let's discuss what you will actually be getting if you decide to purchase "Top Secret Car Secret".
Just so we are clear "Top Secret Car Secret" is a book, but not just any book. It is an e-Book meaning you will only find it online at her site and will not be able to buy it anywhere else or check it out at the library. But who cares about that right. You are reading this because you want to know what's inside right?
The first thing that Dr Suzanne wants you to remember is the three rules of automotive warfare:
1. Walk away from any deal/salesperson you don't like.
2. The deal's not done until you drive off in your new car.
3. Always remember that it's not your money.
If you are not committed to these rules you will lose money according to Dr. Suzanne.
Let's take a look at these in further detail.
Walk away from any deal/salesperson you don't like... Basically, all salesman are con-artists and will try to trick you with fancy talk and off topic conversation so as to make you feel good about yourself and your relationship with them. Remember you aren't buying a friend, your buying a car. If they are trying to make small talk politely ask them to focus on the car. If they don't, ask to talk to another sales person or move onto another dealership.
The deal's not done until you drive off in your new car... This one is obvious. Don't settle for anything less than what you want. It can be tough but there is a lot to be said about haggling the dealership. They will try to intimidate you and insist they will not budge or go any lower, but turn your back and walk out the door and watch how they squirm to get you back into there sales office.
Always remember that it's not your money... This is a reminder that lenders want you to be in debt to them and are willing to do almost anything to have you borrow money from them. So if the leasing officer at the dealership is trying to quote a ridiculously high interest rate refuse and contact the lender on your own or a lender of your choice that will give you a lower rate.
Aside from these three simple rules Dr. Suzanne's Gundakunst's "Top Secret Car Secret" has an entire section dedicated to learning all the terminology associated with leasing and buying a car. Just acquainting your self with all this fancy legal mumbo-jumbo will greatly increase your chances of saving a ton of money on your next vehicle.

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